Creaky Hardwood
There is no way to sneak up on anyone in our house. I don’t care how tiny you are or how gently you can glide across the floor, you will be heard. I (mostly) find this incredibly comforting. It reminds me that I have loved ones here with me. At times when buried fears start to creep in, it can be a bit eerie. But then I remember that we have the most skittish cats ever…so if they are out and about, I have nothing to fear. So much better than an alarm I might forget to dis/arm.
I do enjoy this sound along with other senses. I will never be accused of keeping a particularly clean house, but I do keep the floors as shiny as possible. I love the warmth of a well-polished hardwood floor. And Murphy’s oil soap smells delightful.
Learn all about the Sound Journal - The Beauty of Which I Hear project.