Photo courtesy of HWS Office of Communications
Recent Publications
“Practice-Based Research: Working in Crip Time.” Performance Matters. Edited by Peter Dickinson and Ellen Waterman. 9.1-2 (2023): 205-221.
“Awaiting Tiresias: A Livestream Performance for the Digital Research in the Humanities and Arts Conference.” Body, Space & Technology. 22.1 (2023): 273-275.
“When I Can’t See You at the Theatre: Creating Inclusive Processes for Vision-Impaired Performers” in Inclusivity and Equality in Performance Training: Teaching and Learning for Neuro and Physical Diversity. Edited by Petronilla Whitfield. Routledge, 2022: 157-170.
Why Call This Website PLAYING THE OTHER?
As both a scholar and a practitioner of theatre, my work investigates issues of performing the Other, interrogating the ways in which embodied representations challenge and limit our understanding of race, gender, and other identities - as well as the ways we perceive ourselves.
My early scholarly work examined U.S. attitudes towards race and gender coming out of the Civil War by studying the performances of Francis Leon, the most-renowned female impersonator on the late minstrel stage. My more recent autoethnographic work builds upon that research to explore the relationship between embodiment, ableism, and representation in both academic and theatrical models.
Presenting at Directors Lab West 2017