Train in the Distance
Learn all about the Sound Journal - The Beauty of Which I Hear project.
When I was in elementary school, we moved across town to the house I grew up in. One of my strongest nighttime memories was hearing the wail of a train whistle for the first time. I felt like the train tracks were right in our back yard, even though they were at least a mile away. I recall being very excited to hear the trains at night when I was supposed to be asleep. Many places I have lived since then also bring the sound of the train into my bedroom windows, and the sound always takes me back to my childhood: tall bed with drawers underneath, sister telling me stories, very 70s shag carpeting…
This recording was taken on the back deck of my current house, with a train passing through town around a mile away. It has a number of other sounds that I enjoy mixed in (birds calling and snow falling), though as a result it’s a bit busy.