January 23, 2020 swans trumpet warningice-encased troubled waterslegs move gingerly Heather MayJanuary 23, 2020Comment
January 21, 2020 sharp intake of breathtry to osmose clarityeffervescent dawn(photos below) Heather MayJanuary 21, 2020Comment
January 20, 2020 (MLK Jr. Day) slippery progresswhiteness thwarts depth perceptionwe must overcome Heather MayJanuary 20, 2020Comment
January 17, 2020 fresh diagnosishorizon decked in grey cloaksnow squeaks resistance Heather MayJanuary 17, 2020Comment
January 15, 2020 study reflectionmesmerized by still watersstudy shades of grey Heather MayJanuary 15, 2020Comment
January 14, 2020 eerily quiettrain horn echoes mournfullyfog swaddles feelings Heather MayJanuary 14, 2020Comment
January 13, 2020 thoughts crash with waterraven caws displeasurei pound monotone Heather MayJanuary 13, 2020Comment