Many more days in April 2019 embrace mud seasonswamp marigolds emergingsprinkle trilliumWoodpecker video below Heather MayApril 28, 2019Comment
Many days in April enter Brigadoonlashes catch condensationfog gives world RP(I’ve been on a steady diet of running lines during runs and / or haven’t been able to find time to post here…so here are a fair number of photographs to catch up on.) Heather MayApril 17, 2019Comment
April 4, 2019 revel solitudebirdsong briefly swallows roadseagull state of mind(video below) Heather MayApril 4, 2019Comment
April 1, 2019 survival instinctapril fool’s joke you promiseseason of shedding Heather MayApril 1, 2019Comment
March 25, 2019 imposter syndromeseagulls’ laughter echoingpixelated brainphotos from March 15-25 (been too busy to update) Heather MayMarch 25, 2019Comment
March 14, 2019 hoard dawn for colorthaw exposes winter’s tollspring dawdles behind Heather MayMarch 14, 2019Comment